Sophie Holmes has a very strict exercise regime, so It’s important she stays focused for maximum results. Lurking in the background is a gym pervert-looking Sophie up and down like a piece of meat. She warns him but he doesn’t seem to care. His about to care very soon! Sophie figures, he might as well make himself useful if he refuses to leave so she incorporates him into her exercise routine-or more precisely, incorporates his balls. The kicks come hard, fast and accurate. Sophie’s one of the hardest kickers I’ve ever come across and her kicks literally lift you of your feet. This gym perverts in for a solid 8 minutes of hell! Sophie in a sick twisted way’s glad this loser interrupted her workout cause she’s having way to much fun destroying his manhood. I think she’d like to have him there at every workout. Brutal ballbusting!
Date: March 15, 2022
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